Saturday, September 02, 2006

viewers demand new zip codes

I know it's been a little while but we finally have the interweb in the home so I'll be able to post as often as I take picture, which isn't as often as I'd like because I have a job now.

We've been getting used to our new digs. I've started my job and I think we finally unpacked all the boxes . We even have a couch now, which is a major plus. The couch also turns into a bed for visitors. Ese is modeling it here. Soon you will join him?

Cleo is also settling in...

When Tesa and Travis came up, they introduced us to their friend Dave who lives right on Granite Lake. At night you could see the all the stars in the milky way reflected on the water.

As far as settling in goes, I'm doing ok. I mean, there's still lots to learn and I miss my family and all my friends. Some days, it's really scary to wake up and realize that I need to go to work even though everyone at the library is super nice and laid back. Being in a new place can be slightly daunting sometimes. I've had a few days where I feel like I just want to hang out in the apartment and nest and not have to leave and confront various unfamiliarities.

You know how it is...


mer k said...

emilyyyy!!! i fuckign miss you. these pictures make me want to cry.

Donna K. said...

Cute level = record breaking high

tronagram said...

well what can i say? congrats on the house and the couch, which i hope to soon crash on. tell aktan to share the turkish delights. i do hope that you save that splendid tree. i wish i could give you both hugs, shre some food, though due to my condition will have to pass on my beloved gin and tonics. i am hungry. i would very much like to braid ryans beard if you dont mind...maybe we could make cornrows on his chin. lol. anyway, i miss you people. its real great to see your pictures so keep em comin. much love,