Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Welcome to Adventures in Low Zip Codes, a soon-to-be photoblog chroniceling my time in Vermont. Right now, I don't have my own camera and we don't have internet at home so I'm anticipating a slow start, but a start nonetheless.

Right now I'm sitting in the Brattleboro Free Public Library while Ryan is have a trial run/job interview part 2 at the town's only non-used bookstore. Ryan's mission today was to get a job at the bookstore--mine was to set up this blog (and maybe find a set of size 4 knitting needles).

Our house is about a 15 minute walk out of town. We live on the second floor of a neat old house with huge windows.
We've been indecisive about what the best part of the house is. At first I thought it was the little claw foot bathtub or the pear tree in the back yard but now I'm pretty sure that the best part is the view from the sun room.
I still don't know what mountain that is or the best way to climb to the top but I'll let you know when I find out.

More soon,